The Responsible Sourcing Roadmap
The jewelry industry’s resource you have been waiting for to kick-start your journey!
A workbook and reference PDF that will set you up for success.
Easy and matter-of-fact for newbies and a reminder of the essentials for veterans.
You'll Learn:
- What actions you can take to improve your responsible practice
- How to contribute towards greater sustainability in the jewelry industry
- Why starting on this journey can teach you to become a better jeweler
- When is a good time to get started and how
- What you can do to make sure you keep learning and improving
- Who can you turn to for guidance, help and ideas
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Alisa Thorp
"The Roadmap is excellent! I would have been so happy to have this resource when we were getting started. The content is really top notch, (of course)! I look forward to referring jeweler friends who are interested in moving in this direction to this document."
Christina Malle
"This is a fantastic resource! I wish I'd had access to something like this when I was first starting out!"
Sharon Zimmerman
"Good reminder, especially for new designers, that they deserve transparent answers to their questions. It’s good for jewelry designers to know that you and others support their questions."

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